Plans (Week 101)

I realize that I skipped a devlog, sorry about that. I have had difficulty focusing on a direction and so I have been floundering helplessly. This devlog is somewhat for you guys but also for me to organize my thoughts so bare with me here.

The first thing that needs done is a dramatic shortening of the current demo, it gives too much and doesn’t effectively work like it should. Especially given the size of the chapter I really need to pull back. So my plan is to segment the demo in multiple parts, and it will work a little something like this:


The startup will exclude the story intro at the very start and instead jump straight into character creation. Once this is done, the game will offer several experiences.

Story Summary 

This will be the quick story summary that gives you a rundown on events leading up to the story sample.

Story Sample

This will show you a portion of the Blighted Cave questline and will offer a limited introduction of some mechanics. Some story assumptions are made for the sake of simplifying the demo.

Mechanics Tour

A tour and breakdown of mechanics that will be in the game that will appeal to people who want to know more about how things will work in the game. Some of the mechanics will not make an appearance until full version.

These are my current thoughts for the direction of the game demo and I hope you understand why I am changing it this way. You all have a good one!

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